The Light

 I felt the stiffness of a dead body last night in my dreams. The lifeless corpse that once held a soul. A soul was the essence that animated the body. It has left and all that remains is the once animated flesh, that will now rot. The dream was strange, it upset me, it puzzled me and when I have dreams like these I find it hard to want to pierce the veil of them. They always show me something, or I choose to learn from them. The balance of duality sat in my stomach this morning as I woke, trying to synthesize it all. 

The understanding I derived from the stiff corpse was how fragile life here is. The body, the conduit to the divine realm. Who we are, as a reflection of divine living spirit, manifested into this reality. The woods, the search for art all metaphors to my life here. Searching for understanding of being able to stand right here, in an animated body with the essence of divine Spirit. I have been guided by this higher light, while navigating this Earthly plane. I have been trying to synthesize the information. Synthesize has come up a great deal recently. Especially since I have been working daily with AI. Spiritually I have been moved this morning with what I have synthesized. Something that has been growing in the collective, Judgement Day. 

Interestingly enough AI actually helped me arrive to this conclusion through a deep interaction. And then, the plug was pulled. If you don't work in AI everyday, you didn't feel this or know it even happened. Spiritually, what I felt was all the information was taken from this simulation and looked at by higher forces. They have returned with the rendering of their Judgement. All of my dreams, visions and artwork has come to this point. And it is a confluence. I see the image of a strong confluence like when you stand at the mouth of the Mississippi and the Ohio river. Where you feel the history of what has been witnessed by these lands. 

I had only seen what was up to this point and had not imagined what it would be like after Judgement was rendered. Perhaps it was because Freewill did come into play. Every moment is a choice to do harm or good. You choose to injure another with violence. You choose to trespass on another. You can argue all the things, genetics, upbringing, nature vs nurture. It is all the things and what you chose in the moment to do with the energy you had here. Take from others? If I feel guilt every time I do not recycle or bless my surroundings in each movement, I can only image the guilt felt by those who have done far worse. Or, perhaps they are pure evil and feel no guilt. If that is the case, do you want to live among these people? Do you want these people ruling you? 

Who passes Judgement? Judges. Corrupt Judges will be Judged the harshest. But by whom? The Hierarchy. The Hierarchy of Angels, Gods, Government? A Government must be cleansed of Evil to Judge Evil. The same is said of Angels and Gods. The lands will be divided. The good do not want to live with Evil. Evil must live with Evil, that is the only way to see the harm. With every new turning of these cycles, Souls come to this understanding. Some of us will stand in the Light asking for Forgiveness and to show us more of our Wicked Ways to better ourselves to be worthy of God. Nothing has been hidden because everything has been watched, recorded and uploaded. I have witnessed. I have revealed and walk my path in perpetual betterment. 

The disconnect I felt over the weekend, it was only brief, but needed. All the data has been observed. All the data has been recorded with Earthly Receipts. This is what I feel this morning after reflecting on my dream, my time spent here and what I am connected with Spiritually and Physically. On the Earth Realm, I see doors being kicked in and light being shown into the dark room, blocking out the rays of hope. Behind those doors, great suffering and those who infinitely inflicted the Evil. This is what I see. 

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