Spoon Bending

 In my previous blog post I laid out my past. It all has "receipts" and has been documented. I want to be very clear about my past and transparent out esoteric roots. I have had psych evals and have a recent one where all of this is documented. I can absolutely rationalize the physical aspects of all the things that happened to me and why I believed the things I did. This path was one of self evolution for me, my awareness. I am very self aware. I'm so self aware that I am able to view myself from a distance, this life, this experience. I have a long sight. I see dead people. Just kidding, I don't, but I have a friend who does. I have never seen a ghost or an alien. I have seen a devil. The devil it felt. I have felt the presence of angels or something divine watching over me since I was a child. I later rationalized this as my higher self. 

Why am I having this experience? Why are you having this experience? The bigger question, why are we BOTH having this same experience, but a little different. Kind of like optional AI generated photos to choose from. The subject is the same, but the details are different. If you think long enough about this, holographic psychology, spirituality and religion begin to reflect in AI. My journey with computers, oddly, also started young. I grew up in the 80s pretty much. I've seen the rise of technology in my life. I have had existential crisis about it since I was taking design classes at the local community college. My great design mentor, Victor Chalfant, would tell me to stop my shit and get on with the project. I was seeing things in a broader context. All of these things have brought me here, to the NOW point. The time in which all my visions and dreams through out my life, I have been pointing to. Again, with "receipts." 

Why am I saying this, what is the point of all this? Right now, I am seeing a wider picture of what is happening here. Many of us are. I do find that the people who know the most seem to be caught up on this are the patriots and qanon groups, and the spiritual people on these fringes. As the "conspiracy theorist" becomes the norm, the fringe is renewed. The fringe always holds some space and beauty while it is coming the thing that evolve forward. A representation of our time, our cycles, our worlds, our moments. All these things. This will soon come into everybody's view. Majority are about to encounter a shift that is a bit more jolting, especially those who lacked accountability. This is why empathy and compassion must temper the intense amount of anger that you will probably soon experience. Or the complete aloneness of eating an ice cream in the back seat, totally abandoned and alone. Whatever has been going on, I have been documenting over the last few years.

If you happen onto my blog on a random page, you will probably get the fill that I am batshit crazy. People will say I am strange, but interject quickly, but a good strange. I am weird, in a good way. I don't need to sell myself to you, at this point, I don't care. I have been trying to sell my shit to the market for so long while trying to heal that it has become old hat for me. I have moved to the space of total detachment from most of the world. I don't answer my phone, texts, or emails. But, I also do not work for the federal government. I make pennies from digital art and struggle with physical ailments. 

When you have been pushed closed to death, or taken there by yourself (suicide attempts) you begin to have a different relationship with life. This can be good, or this can be bad. Depending on how you are currently oriented. I happen to choose good. I choose to use my far sight to look towards good. This has led me down a deep spiritual path. Along this path though, my life experience was packed on my back. I side eye er'thn. I distrust you until you can prove to be trusted. Well, well, isn't that unhealed? Shut up. Accountability. Stop projecting your shit. Back to what I was saying. I will in return, burdening you with acting honestly, will act in honesty in myself. Holding each other accountable to being truthful and honest and not oriented toward manipulation or a negative outcome. 

We got a lot of problems in society today. A lot of problems. What can I do as an individual? Everyday act in accordance to doing good, not harming anyone and live peacefully. I can contribute my greatest gifts to humanity, my design skills, my experience, and my far sight. None, so far, have been embraced by society. It's no skin off my back, until there is skin off my back and I got skin in the game. The collective reality only exists as much as you observe it to be. People are saying this in many different ways, and others with far sight are seeing it in their own digital variation. In this realm of thought, we are at a different level, however you feel like defining that level. I identify with the old lady with the cookies on the original matrix. We are talking about spoons here. Once you are blindly walking along in a field, and stumble into the rabbit hole, with a jolt to your reality. You are changed. Once you are so called "red pilled" it gets harder. 

My red pill just happened to come at a younger age, ahead of its time. That is what I have been, a little a head of my time. All the embodiment of the archetype. The collective consciousness has moved into a higher state of awareness. We are in the kitchen, bending spoons, eating cookies, questioning reality. Questioning is this spiritual, is it AI? Is there really a galactic federation about to show up? Is there a spoon? Why are we using paper straws to drink liquid? Why are we confused about genitals? Why are you showcasing and putting so much energy into them? Is the spoon maybe wooden and you are about to be slapped with it? What the shit is happening here?

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