Shining the Light on Evil: A Call for Justice
This morning, I became enraged. I cried. I wanted to scream at the world because Biden pardoned his son. As a child I was raped, molested and a victim of incest. No one cared, no one believed me, no one went easy on me. In fact, I was treated worse for these happening to me. At seventeen, I got pregnant and decided to release my child for adoption, to not bring her into the life I had. I was shunned, ridiculed and outcast. I have been hospitalized twice for suicide attempts. I was shamed for those. No one cared around me. In fact, "family" made it worse. And when you try to walk away, or break free, you are shamed. I KNOW what it is like living with horrible things and people turning a blind eye.
My childhood was bad, and teen years were worse. I lived in shelters, foster homes and with friends until I put myself into a girls home for unwed pregnant teenagers. I had to emancipate myself to this. My early adult years were filled with struggle and medications. I was never taught how to live in this society. I learned from watching evil people. That is how I began to recognize it when I entered the workforce. Petty, evil people abusing people. This was a problem with the population overall. This created a person that was labeled as a conspiracy theorist. An outcast, yet again, for pointing out truths. At 51, I am pissed and just sick of it. And I am ready to tell these people to STFU.
Many people are finally waking up to the corruption they believed or denied because they took part. My life experiences propelled me to seek solace in myself. I knew no one was coming to save me as a child. Because no one did, no one cared and everyone turned a blind eye. My own mother strangled me when I told her I was being molested and then I was shamed by saying "Don't tell lies on your family." Behind the scenes the evil knew they had won. They continued and reveled in it. I would love nothing more than to see the evil taken down to its knees. I woke to another slap in the face of evil getting away with things and it infuriated me. We need the hammer of justice. For all of the people who have suffered like myself, being tormented, ridiculed, abused, and blackballed. We need ethical people who can't be bought, who can control their impulses and aren't corrupt. The people that hold the light, need to shine it. Step up to the fucking plate.
I'm weary. I am saddened. I am confused to why it is hard for these people not to do evil things. They are morally corrupt and not redeemable. If they believed they were redeemable, they would make effort towards the good. They would do the just and right thing. If they took an oath, they should be held even more accountable. If they continued to showcase their evil, even when the chance to do good was presented to them, are they redeemable? I am grateful for the good warriors, the fighters of justice, the bringers of light. It feels like it is time to expose these people. And the capable people have a responsibility to do just that. This is why this is a battle between good and evil.