"Reflections in the Flames: Balancing the Inner War Amidst Cosmic Shifts"

 The internal war waged within me today, as I battled yet again, balancing Spiritual and Material. I have to get on track, I have to get my shit together. Stop procrastinating. I tell myself these things daily. You are not being your best self. Chop wood, carry water. I justified enough things that I half assed did everything and found myself in bed by two o'clock this afternoon. Sipping coffee while scrolling on X. My, my, what drama has unfolded in the last couple of days. What seems like nothing, is everything. This is a big deal, for much deeper reasons. Beyond the surface, underneath and above, what caused the cracks?

I will admit my excitement the electricity that stirred in my when the mighty Elon flexed. The fell out of balance, something about Loomer caused an intense reaction. We can't use this word, but why do so many Americans seem retarded now? Stunted in many ways, yet produced a giant such as Diddy. Yes, we "conspiracy theorists" on and on about the fluoridated water and an educational system that is deliberately dumbing down a nation. The cusp of the generations see it, and enough space between the two to view both sides. We watch these Gods and Archetypes play out their roles on this Earthly stage. The irony of it all, playing out on X. It is so deliciously good. We are all engaged now. Have Americans been so dumbed down that we have to import people to think for us? Is this really about just America? 

All my life I have been waiting for this moment. The relentless badgering on X from the Qanons about being ready. And then being told we weren't ready, only to roll our eyes because of ongoing preparedness. We were ready before, and felt burned. It felt like a lost battle. We grew weary. I grew weary. I begin to let things slide. Why not rest and enjoy some comfort for a bit? Give into the material and indulge? Fatter I became. Numbing myself, waging wars within me. Now, today, a spark. A struck match flames up. The flame is explosive, then calms. Our eyes adjust to see what we were unable to see in the darkness. We can see what is written on the cave walls. What do we see? What do I see in this moment?

I laughed out loud at a meme regarding this entire situation. The confusion regarding what has unfolded in the last day regarding this incident on X. A rash clipping of wings of an Messenger, an Angel, an Archetype. Was this betrayal? In the flash right after you strike a match, follows the ignition of the flame. Am I truly witnessing the return of the Gods? Are we all here in this moment, aware? Are we each taking control of our surroundings and recognizing there is something much bigger playing out here? Are we ready? Am I ready? How could I be when I am laying in bed after three now on a Saturday afternoon, sipping coffee scrolling through X, deriving enjoyment from memes reflecting facets of our reality. 

There is so much work to be done. Perhaps the best thing was to take an afternoon off, lay in bed, and pencil out some framework for change. What would Elon do? What would Trump do? What would Loomer do? Aren't these the people I have deemed as having the most integrity to do the right thing? The Good thing? To help navigate the waters of this so called reality and existence? What part can I play to do my best to support the overall good while we await this change in Guard? Where am I in this Cosmic Story? 

I was grateful to have a change of character at the last Murder Mystery. I realized I want to slink into the shadows and not be on stage. There is a lot to be aware of when you have big parts to play. Elon has a big part to play, as well as the others. Much to be aware of. He and Loomer have pulled swords out, we watch, we ponder what this move means. Some think a crack in the matrix. I think it is part of the really big picture, the entire scene, unfolding before us. We see the players on the stage and resonate with each. What is really going on here? That is the question everyone should be asking and thinking about.  

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