The Initiates

 It was a busy weekend at the haunt. It was a highly energetic weekend on all fronts that culminated into me having an emotional meltdown. On the surface, I can reference my lack of estrogen patches, being on a tolerance break and just absolute exhaustion. But, within me, I know it is more. The sleeper has awakened. Down deep in the halls of Amenti, the energy stirs as the guards change shifts, and a shift change is more than I realize. The Initiates see. Those not initiated, will not understand, but must carry the torch forward in time to light the way for others, bringing light to the dark. During my emotional upheaval I felt a strong need for Derek to be with on my drive home. I usually love the long winding moonlit road. The last couple of drives I have seen things. People running towards the roads, animals being chased wildly. Last night was no different and the images still linger. 

It is all about the timing, the witnessing of events. We had long lines at the haunt that stretched beyond closing time. Had everything not happened exactly as so, I would have missed this moment in time my soul needed to witness. I long stopped taking the highway home, it took too long and the traffic has become unbearable. We wound around the dark hills, my eyes peeled for any darting animals, and grateful for the company. Then, we both saw it. A person, a boy, running wildly toward the road off 112. I tapped my breaks, was he running into the road? I screamed, "What is that?" Derek said, "Some kid acting a fool." The "kid" then dove into a ditch on the side of the road, a drainage tunnel. As we slowly passed, there was a body laying on the ground. The truck behind came ever closer with their brights on.

"That was a body on the side of the road! I should call the police!" Derek calmed me and said, "It is just kids playing." In my heart I want to believe that. I had witnessed something similar the weekend before. A young girl running toward the road, being chased. I put on my breaks to swing over and save her, only to realize it was her boyfriend chasing her. He grabbed her and they both started laughing. I thought, get a job at a haunt, don't play in the road you fools. Was last night more prankish play? I was grateful not to be alone to witness this. I had been telling Derek my drive home was not as peaceful as it once was and I felt an uneasy fear. 

After getting home, showering and taking my own "medsies before bedsies", I hoped on X for a moment. A post about the Sleeper awakening. I knew it, others have felt it also. What or Who was the Sleeper. I also had felt in my spirit that there would be a rest and a waiting. I had been waiting since the summer for this shift I felt in my Soul. I had been waiting for the Awakening. The veils thinning and more could see it. And here, I was reading the words that have been whispered to my soul. I checked the comments for what others would say. All mostly confused, but a couple, like me, felt it and responded, they felt it too. 

I have been watching and waiting in the dark tunnels, seeking the other initiates that carry flame, to pass the torch. Yesterday, I knew within me who the next bearers of the flame would be. I was grateful. I suspected the young trio were initiates, but I waited for a sign. A sign of love and caring and thoughtfulness. And it came. With gratitude I thanked God and asked what my next steps were to be. Show me the way to walk in the light that has guided me during this time here. I am tired, battle worn and ready for a shift change. I have become weary, but I do not want to waver. I no longer care of whisperings of insanity. This is the truths I've waited a lifetime to understand and reveal. 

I woke this morning thinking of lessons I learned and wanted to pass forward for listening ears. For ears and eyes that choose to walk in the light. The Good ones, the initiates. I was told since I was a child that I would teach about what consciousness meant. I was brought into circles of esoteric knowledge and sacred understanding. I survived the worst of what the evil wanted to do to me. I have been raped repeatedly, beaten until I could barely walk and homeless so many times that I had to learn places to hide just to make it. I pushed forward into the light, trusting the process holding the good within me. Having been told by the majority that I was crazy, I did let doubt overcome me many times. But, still I stand firm in the truth and the light. These are the messages I want to share. 

I have long wondered where the "Halls of Amenti" were. Were they a physical place on this Earth? Was there beings in the dark corridors and catacombs beneath the surface of this planet? This plain of existence, the outward reality? The Illusions we have build as a people are crumbling. Hollywood is falling. Holy Wood, where wands of magic create illusions and dreams. The choice of evil and corruption is evident in the downfall. The choice between good and evil comes in every moment. What is the intent? I see good and seek good. I see the God Light in those around me. The flame that has long been preached about. I am glad. Perhaps the Sleeper is the Christ, the Krystos Awakening. And In-Spirit Self wants to share my understanding and not keep it hidden. 

The Path of the Krystos

For those who follow spiritual or mystical paths focused on the Krystos concept, it often implies a commitment to inner growth, integrity, and service to others. Aligning with the Krystos energy can mean striving to embody unconditional love, compassion, and unity with all beings, reflecting a state of divine understanding and connection with all of creation.

The Essence of Krystos

At its core, the idea of the Krystos or Christ consciousness is about transcending ego-based separations and realizing a unity with divine, universal love. It invites a journey inward to discover the "anointed" or awakened self within, connecting with a timeless and boundless source of spiritual wisdom.

The Halls of Amenti symbolize not only an inner journey of discovery but also the evolution of consciousness and the pursuit of self-knowledge, resonating with ideas of reincarnation, spiritual growth, and the continuity of life across lifetimes.

I feel In-Spirit and want to share my understanding and what I have learned while walking on this beautiful Earth. This beautiful jewel housing love and light. Thank you for listening. 

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