The Seal

 I woke up this morning at 3 am. That hasn't happened in a bit. I have been struggling with exhaustion, soreness and aching, so I went to bed early. I took my meds at 8 pm and it was lights out for me. I was confused when I woke up at 3 because my CPAP had only recorded 4 hours of sleep. I took a picture, this has happened more than once. I have been collecting proof for my own sanity. I sat in bed and started sketching. Derek came in to ask me if I was okay. No, I wasn't. I didn't want to sound insane. He asked me to tell him what was happening, so I did. Then I showed him the pictures of various things to try to prove in some sort of way, I am not crazy. I fell back asleep, a deep sleep where I traveled to  see the gateway of hell. 

My remote view of things is very similar to viewing a world map on a video game, or a google map online. You can move the map and zoom in. I don't know what land I was viewing, I only saw the landscapes. A deep, very long, very narrow channel in the crust was leading to a location. I couldn't understand the water flowing and how it was moving from these channels. In my mind I was worried about flooding. I am always worried about flooding and where the water will pour in, or out. I checked to see if some sort of slosh back from major movement would drown the channel. Had it been underwater before. I kept going over these questions in my dream, examining the water channels. 

There was another channel flowing out to the left. I was confused. I couldn't figure out how the water was coming in and pouring down, then moving back up and out of this channel. It was a very deep channel, carved deep into the crust. A treacherous trench with jagged edges. I zoomed in closer and saw the water was discolored. It was clear on the other side. What was happening. I zoomed in more and realized it was red water. It looked like bloody water. I surveyed the water for sharks. What was causing the water to be filled with blood? I zoomed in closer. There was a man made larger circular seal at the center of these two channels of water. Terror began to come over me. In my mind I had images from past dreams of tunnels. It smelled. I felt fear as I zoomed in closer. I needed to see, but I had to get out quick.

There was a large carved steel round door or seal in the ground. It reminded me of a giant manhole cover. It had markings and the image of a figure carved on it. The closer I got to the door, the more it smelled and the more the terror seized me. I had to see the door. Who was this? Where are the guards? Was this a tunnel to hell? Was the devil behind this door? I began to try to survey as much as I could and knew not to linger. What was this horror? Who put the door here? Who was the figure on the door?

The figure resembled the images of the ancient Sumerians. I was looking for the symbols they carried to confirm. I saw a cross. Was that the Knights Templar's cross? Flashes of tunnels again came. I saw images of us walking the tunnels, using our torches to find a way out. We were reading the walls. This tunnel was sealed for safety from great evil. I felt a trembling and no longer wanted to stay. I observed with intent, to return in my mind's eye later and I zoomed out. I noted the trenches. Where was this? I felt the urgency of a storm coming. I woke up. 

I slept in after that until after 9 am. I haven't done this in a long while. My CPAP now said, I got 8 hours of sleep. That was enough, I could get up. I should have more sleep than that, but looking for missing hours at night seemed pointless at this point. All the things I have seen in my experiences had started making sense and I didn't feel the need to explain it to anyone. Derek asked how I felt when I woke up. I had a disturbing dream. Derek pried, so at the risk of sounding more crazy, I told him. "It is a collective. The experiences have moved into the collective now. Everyone will feel this. I'm not special. We all can see this, some just clearer than others. Some like me, have seen it more or as much as you have seen your reality. It is a witnessing. We are many here for Good. Here for God. I know this and I must follow my path." Then I told him about the gate to hell. 

The game Diablo is interesting that is a battle between good and evil. Many of the horror worlds within the game feel familiar. I thought about taking the day off and just playing the game, for research I tell myself. Truthfully, I am just tired and don't feel emotionally available for the day. I have been sewing, decorating, cleaning, preparing. A feeling of deep preparation has been with me for a bit. My internal voice always telling me to stay prepared, stay vigilant. I'm tired. I see it in the collective. I see it with people like David Wilcock, who is part of this collective. It is ascension. The time is drawing near. All these things plagued me as I made my coffee this morning. 10:10 presented itself to me as a reminder, change is at hand. Prepare. 

I battled with myself on even revealing this dream because I didn't want to lead anyone to the gates of  hell. In my dream, there was a fear, a stirring. Where were the guards? Why could I see this? I thought briefly about seeking the spot on google maps, this was on Earth. Was it visible now? Would it become visible after waters moved? I ask the questions, and I know the answers will come. Is this coming into the collective now? Will the horrors of a blood bath of evil be revealed? I pondered whether to blog. I questioned what I should put out into the collective. But, we all have to step into the light now, right? The darkness is being brought to the light. Perhaps that is why I could see the seal. Perhaps we need to prepare for a great revealing. 

Whose bidding have we served? What are our fruits? Where is our garden and tree rooted? 

A seal of revealing? 

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