
 My material mind was blown. I sat this morning going through old TikTok videos searching for the video with the bell sound. Why was I fixated? Because I have bee quietly building my project. Connecting my blog with videos, to tell a story. The constant thought that it was all going to be destroyed before I could weave all the pieces together has been unnerving. The constant fear of running out of time. It is in the collective. We all feel it. 

I was excavating my digital life for a sound, a vibration. It was my coming to the mountain moment. Symbolic to me only, but a dot I was trying to connect. I have been feeling better enough to pick up the pieces of my mission and get grounded. It is my remembering. I had spent a great deal of time healing and I was looking at thumbnails to the chapters on my TikTok. How strange it felt to be the archaeologist, excavating my own life. Some of findings needed repair. Maybe a third of all my videos had been muted. The vibration removed from the imagery. 

I originally spent a great deal of time choosing the perfect song for the perfect imagery I had captured. I want to present an overall experience. When originally videos were muted, there wasn't an option to choose a new vibrational tune. Now there is. This was originally overwhelming of the idea of having to replace vibrations to imagery. I would replace a couple and just log out. Today, I was searching, digging, when I came across some unexpected finds. This was a gift. I scrolled through emotions, like my healing life, FLASHing before my eyes. I had an additional chance to review my work and add something new to the moment. 

I was moved, by my own work. I felt arrogant in the moment, then replaced it gratitude. I felt such reverence to those moments. Irony was vibrating all around me as I came to these conclusions while listening to The Why Files about Gobleki Tepe. What was it was seeking? Just this moment of some sort of realization? Aw struck. I still haven't processed a great deal. I felt it as I scrolled through the thumbnails searching for that sound byte, that vibration. Could I just create a new sound byte now? Would Garage Band even work on my phone anymore. My technology has long been outdated, and I haven't cared.

I feel like I have been peacefully sitting on the hillside, enjoying the view. Allowing myself to not get caught up in the horrors all around the world. Was this a mistake? Was I being blind to the obvious? The dreams, the reality, the spiritual, what was anything? On this hillside, I sit in my home pod. Today, the bay doors are open and the curtains are flying in the breeze. It is a perfect day. A day to be motivated. A day for adventure and searching. A great day for an inner dig. 

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