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The Initiates

 It was a busy weekend at the haunt. It was a highly energetic weekend on all fronts that culminated into me having an emotional meltdown. On the surface, I can reference my lack of estrogen patches, being on a tolerance break and just absolute exhaustion. But, within me, I know it is more. The sleeper has awakened. Down deep in the halls of Amenti, the energy stirs as the guards change shifts, and a shift change is more than I realize. The Initiates see. Those not initiated, will not understand, but must carry the torch forward in time to light the way for others, bringing light to the dark. During my emotional upheaval I felt a strong need for Derek to be with on my drive home. I usually love the long winding moonlit road. The last couple of drives I have seen things. People running towards the roads, animals being chased wildly. Last night was no different and the images still linger.  It is all about the timing, the witnessing of events. We had long lines at the haunt that stretche

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