Through the Fog
Signs, Struggles, and Spiritual Upgrades It is twenty four degrees f. outside and feels much colder. I have Angel in a casket in my car, I need to drop him off for cremation. I am struggling with doing that. It has to be done. This morning I struggled to get out of bed. I am struggling with chopping wood and carrying water. As I was sweeping the floor, preparing to scoop cat shit up, I had insight. Reminding me the gifts in these moments of chop wood. I remembered the dream I had a decade of ago, of Judgement Day. Most of all the visual signs I have been given, have come to pass, or are in process. It has made me hyper aware of my feelings, and my response to everything around me. I laid in my office for day with Angel, knowing these were his final days. We laid under the Tree of Baubles I have been creating. I have never been much of a fan of blue for Christmas. But, I am in love with this Bauble Collection I have created. This has brought me the most peace during this time...